Sonntag, 7. Februar 2010

Welcome to B&T DesignZ Blog

B&T DesignZ is founded by Binny Lemon and his Second Life son and Real Life best friend Trent Riddler in September 2009 . They both started B&T DesignZ as a photostudio on very small beachland. They started practicing it and opened a Flickr page to share their first photos. Trent liked the idea of tattoos and began to make his first own creations of tattoos while his father started to make bodyshapes. Already in November 2009 they had their photostudio and first collections of bodyshapes and tattoos. During this month father and son started their first bigger project on a full sim. The B&T Mainstores were born.

But that should not be the base of B&T DesignZ,
Trent tried to make his first clothing collection starting with jeans and Binny created his first own hairstyles. It did not take long until they both released new collections to have everything you need in SecondLife in their stores.
But financial and real life issues gave them a hint and they had to move.
Here in the times when theyve been most down the young builder Krystall Nightfire helped them to start their new building with a modern and cool design. B&T DesignZ came back from the down and slowly up. And through this time Binny met his wife.

Her name his Gaige Winthorpe and she is a supermodel of the first class in Second Life.
Binny and Gaige married on January 11 on voice.

Without her B&T DesignZ would not exist anymore. She is the one who helps father and son to keep it running and even through the deepest loss she helps them.
Because of some bigger issues they both had to move again twice. At the end they had a bigger loss than win and were standing there, broke and exhausted. Binny and Trent were without any hope and almost wanted to give up until they had some luck in life and from one second to another enough to start over again in a bigger and better way than ever before.

These days B&T DesignZ is set with their mainstores and two mallplaces. Their products are also available on Xstreet. Binny and Trent are releasing their newest skins for models and a new clothing collection just right these days.

The following blog should help everyone to get easier the newest releases and special offers of their stores. Also we will post the owners/staffs bios here in a time.
If you want to become a staff member of B&T then contact Binny Lemon or Trent Riddler or join their Sl group B&T Corporation for news all around B&T DesignZ