Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010

B&T Lives On!

Greetings everyone,

As you may know, B&T DesignZ was put up for sale recently by Binny and Trent. We are happy to announce that the whole business has been sold to the new owners, Eibon Audeburgh and Ananda Crystal.

As the new owners, we will be working hard in all areas to make B&T Designz even better. B&T will be getting a gradual facelift as we start giving it our own style and flair.

This change brings with it the opportunity to assess those things that worked for Binny and Trent and those that didn't. This is the opportunity to change the things that didn't and improve the things that did. We will be focusing on ways to to make things easier and better for customers and staff. We are also working on ideas for new clothing lines.

As we put our new ideas into practice, we would like to remind everyone to have a good time. We appreciate every single one of you and value your opinions and input. Thus, we like to keep in contact with our staff and customers and will always listen to your ideas and concerns. There is a blue mailbox currently located at the main entrance to the store if you wish to drop a notecard or you can IM either one of us personally.

All names from Trent's subscriber group and the inworld group have been added to our new hippoGroup system. If you wish to be removed from the subscriber list just drop Ananda Crystal a notecard or an IM and ask to be removed.

The B&T Designz Corporation group inworld will be converted to a staff only group so please do not panic when you get a notice that you have been removed.

We will also be keeping you up-to-date on the B&T blog site: http://bandt-designz.blogspot.com/. So keep us bookmarked to see what's in store.

We hope all of you will stick with us and share the vision we both have for B&T Desigz.
Thank you to everyone for the hard work that put B&T where it is today.


Our best wishes,

Eibon Audeburgh
Ananda Crystal

Montag, 12. Juli 2010

B&T DesignZ For Sale

Cause of many issues the B&T DesignZ are for sale.
This offer includes
ca. 30 prepared hairstyles you can sell
over 20 shapes
the Full psd files for the 2 different skins
30 different full permission tattoos
The templates of over 100 different outfits
From those 30 psd files of the outfits for men and women
You will take over the sim( estate manager included) / group
and get the building.
You will get the blog as well
And much more stuff which is in progress

If you are interested or know any person who is
just IM Trent Riddler or Binny Lemon inworld as soon as possible
to take over the busines and have a completly set Second Life stoe which is running itself very well

Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010

24 Hours Special at B&T DesignZ

One day left till our free offer will end.
Right today we are giving away two free outfits for men and women and one skin for women aswell. Check it out just today and do not wait too long to get your free group gift in the store.
Best Wishes
Binny Lemon, trent Riddler & Renesmee Valeur


Freitag, 2. Juli 2010

Special at B&T DesignZ

Hey B&T Lovers,
It's hot summer and temperatures killing everyone. But this weekend you get a fresh cooling offer of 30 % on all hotpants and mini tops for women and on on all open shirts for men. Show some skin during the hot days and get your stuff for coolprices only at B&T DesignZ .

Best Wishes
Binny Lemon, Trent Riddler & Renesmee Valeur